DMC Settings Overview
Divi Desktop Menu Customizer supports the Default and Centered header formats of Divi theme. If you have a different header format enabled on your site other than these two you will see the following warning message instead of the plugin settings in Divi -> Theme Customizer -> Desktop Menu Customizer.
To access the plugin settings go to Divi -> Theme Customizer -> Desktop Menu Customizer.
Inside the Desktop Menu Customizer settings panel there are the following settings sections:
- Primary Menu Settings
- Menu Item
- Sub-menu
- Sub-menu Item
- Search Icon
- Shopping Cart
- Animations
- Shadow
- Gradient
- Background Image
These settings are used to style the Primary Menu.
If the Fixed Navigation Bar option is enabled in Divi -> Theme Options then the Primary Menu settings are duplicated for the Fixed Navigation to allow styling it differently from the Primary Menu.
The Fixed Navigation has the same settings sections except for the Animations section.
- Fixed Menu Settings
- Menu Item
- Sub-menu
- Sub-menu Item
- Search Icon
- Shopping Cart
- Shadow
- Gradient
- Background Image
The settings allow styling different elements of the menu such as the menu container, menu items, search and shopping cart icons, etc. as the names of each settings section imply. These settings support the Vertical configuration of the Default and Centered header formats as well (both right and left modes).