Logo Settings
To enable the Divi MadMenu Logo element open the module settings modal and go to Content->Elements and click the Enable Logo
When the Logo element is enabled its Content, Design and Advanced settings all become visible in the module settings pane.
1. Content Settings
The Logo element's Content settings are located in the Content->Logo settings section
These settings allow adding the logo image(Logo) and setting the logo link URL(Logo Link URL) as well as the logo link target(Logo Link Target).
Enabling the Use Fixed Header Logo setting provides additional image field (the Logo (Fixed) setting) for uploading a different logo for the Fixed header. The fixed header logo replaces the original logo when the Fixed header is triggered on scroll.
2. Design Settings
The Design settings of the Logo element are located in the Design tab of the module settings.
The Logo Order setting allows to set the Logo element order relative to other enabled header elements, it is located in the Design->Layout:General section. The element order value can be different for each device.
To align the Logo image vertically and horizontally and to set its column width use the layout settings located in the Design->Layout:Elements->L tab
The design options set of the Logo element includes colors, spacing, borders, box shadow and sizing options and are located in the Design->Logo section
3. Advanced Settings
The logo alt text can be added using the Logo Alt Text field in the Advanced->Attributes section