Divi Accordions Plus Child Module Settings Overview

To access the Divi Accordions Plus child module settings click the small gear icon on the left hand side of the child item.

The child module has the ContentDesign and Advanced settings.


This section includes the following settings:

  1. Content
  2. Item State
  3. Link
  4. Background

The Content settings includes the Title, Subtitle and the Body Content fields for adding the accordion item title, subtitle and content accordingly. The subtitle is enabled by default, use the Use Subtitle setting to disable it if you don't need it.

The Item State includes a single setting allowing to set the default state of the accordion item on initial page load. The accordion item is closed by default but if you want it to be open just enable the Active setting.

The Link and Background settings are standard Divi module settings allowing to turn the module into a link and set it's background.


This section includes the following settings:

  1. Header
  2. Left Icon
  3. Right Icon
  4. Title
  5. Body
  6. Header Text
  7. Body Headings
  8. Body Text
  9. Border 
  10. Box Shadow
  11. Spacing
  12. Filters 
  13. Transform

The Header, Left Icon, Right Icon, Title and Body sections provide similar sets of color, spacing, border and box-shadow settings for designing the corresponding element.

The Left Icon and Right Icon allow adding image or font icons to the accordion item header to it's left and right sides accordingly, as well as make the icons rotate(and set the rotation degree) when the accordion item is being opened/closed.

The Header Text section contains font options for both the accordion item Title and Subtitle under separate tabs.

The Body Headings settings allow to style the H1 - H6 heading levels for the accordion item body content.

The Body Text settings provide font options for styling paragraphs, links, unordered and ordered lists as well as quotes.

The Borders, Box Shadow, Spacing, Filters and Transform settings are standard Divi module settings allowing to set the accordion item main container border, box-shadow, margin, padding, filter and transform properties.


This section includes the following settings:

  1. Custom CSS
  2. Conditions
  3. Visibility
  4. Transitions
  5. Position
  6. Scroll Effects

The Custom CSS section contains CSS fields allowing to apply custom CSS to different elements for both open and closed accordion item.

Visibility settings allow controlling responsive visibility of the accordion item subtitle, left icon and right icon elements.

The rest of the Advanced settings (Conditions, Transitions, Position and Scroll Effects) are standard module settings.

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